The average life expectancy of an Abyssinian is 12 years, but they can live anywhere from 9 to 15 or more years. Abyssinians commonly live closer to 15 years. If your “Aby” is healthy and primarily an indoor cat, then you can be pretty confident it will live longer than 12 years.
While the Abyssinian is a regal breed, it is not known to live 20 years or more. The average life expectancy of an Abyssinian can of course be affected by overall quality of life, environment and health issues.
An Aby needs company
It likes interacting with people, especially family members. Abyssinian cats are not too demanding, but if neglected or ignored for too long it will start sulking. Sulking is only a precursor to depression. Abyssinians are not particularly vulnerable to depression, but prolonged neglect can lead to a serious risk of sadness and withdrawal. This will of course not be fatal, but can shorten its lifespan.
Keep your Aby’s teeth and gums healthy
Abyssinians, like most cat breeds, are vulnerable to gingivitis and periodontal disease. Taking care of their teeth and gums is important. You should brush your Aby’s teeth regularly (at least once per week). Ideally, you should do it every day. Only use special feline toothpaste recommended by your Veterinarian.
Abyssinians are vulnerable to retinal atrophy
This is a genetic problem that can’t really be helped. While the problem is now less common given the modern proactive and holistic care provided by veterinarians, your Aby is still at increased risk of developing retinal atrophy. This can also affect its lifespan.
Abyssinians are also likely to develop renal amyloidosis
This disease leads to adverse changes in the kidneys. The tissues in the kidneys get inflamed and the cat will start losing protein through its urine. This will make your cat weak, there will be toxic buildup in the body and your cat may succumb to the condition if there are other frailties or health problems compounding the effects of this disease.
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